Conditions of www.alimontimilano.eu website use
I General rules and regulations
- For the aim of this conditions of use policy, by a User we mean the individual who uses the services offered by www.alimontimilano.eu.
- The use of the website is regulated by this conditions of use policy; its acceptance defines an agreement between the user and the owner, and it comes into force by the mere navigation of the web pages.
- Further rules and conditions might be applied by the Owner with regard to single services of the website: in order to use the services, the user has to agree to those rules and conditions
- The law applicable to some relationships emerging from the use of the service is the Italian law, the same applied to the conditions of use policy.
- By the term “Owner of the service” we unequivocally mean Alimonti Milano con sede in Via Corso Venezia 53, 20121 Milano.
- The Owner reserves the right to modify this conditions of use policy at any time, informing the User by publishing it on the website. Access after the modification implies the complete acceptance of the new conditions of use policy.
- In the text we use mainly IT terms, commonly recognized and with unmistakable meaning, which we consider known and understood by the website and services user.
II User requirements and duties
- The user obliges himself not to access reserved areas unless he/she is the legitimate owner of the access credentials
III User’s further duties
- It is forbidden for the user to copy or to memorize any website contents, for purposes different from a strictly personal one, for commercial use, subject to the laws on copyright and/or industrial right.
- If the user publishes Alimonti Milano’s contents on a Social Network through his/her own account, he/she is taking full and total responsibility for his/her action and for whatever may result from it.
IV Obligations, guarantees and exemptions of the Owner
- The owner commits himself to provide the user with the use of the website and services, as well as the communication tools related to them, taking care that their implementation is compatible with the evolutional state of the technology used.
- As pointed out in the previous point, the Owner, considering that some of the website pages are placed on web spaces managed by others, does not take any responsibility for any interruption or/and suspension of the service or any other service limitation for technical problems generated by any factor or circumstance out of his control. In the case of functional problems of the website, the user can inform us at the following e-mail address info@alimontimilano.eu
- The Owner has the right to use communication and/or alternative publication and/or website accessory tools to make the provided services usable to the users, even by using, for example, linking or mirroring technics.
- The owner will not be responsible if the use of the website and its services are carried out in violation of the laws, good manner or public order, i.e. in violation of the terms and conditions policy.
- The user does not provide any guarantee for the updated information on the website.
- The owner does not have any control over other websites’ links and their contents. In the case that the link refers to a Website that provides a service on the Owner’s behalf then its use is regulated by the agreed terms and conditions provided by the supplier of the service.
- The owner does not respond to possible damage and/or malfunctions and/or prejudice of any kind that might be caused to the User’s electronic elaborator by use of the service, nor for the information technology system contamination caused by the access, interconnection and files and programmes downloaded from the website. The reboot/repairing are at User’s expense.
V Intellectual property
- This website is protected by the author’s right law in force in Italy
- It is forbidden for the user to copy, memorize, publish, share, transmit or make in any way available the website contents, even if partially modified, apart from some exceptional cases, such as the publication of some contents on Social Networks.
VI Final dispositions
- The Owner reserves a unilateral right to modify, suspend, or interrupt the website and its services, as well as the right to modify, suspend or interrupt the account and communication tools related to a single User.
- The Owner also reserves the right to carry out future business and advertisement initiatives, even if they are fee-paying, through the use of any logo or brand name on the website, including advertising banners or any other advert used for promotion and marketing, direct and/or indirect, of any goods, products or services.
VII Jurisdiction
- The use of the services provided by the Owner through the website is not authorized by all the jurisdictions that do not recognize the validity of all the dispositions claimed in this conditions of use policy, including this paragraph.
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